Auto User-Name Display
At the time of login earlier the system was displaying user-name automatically as belowPassword Complexity
As per the security steps below are the points to set the user password.
1. Password must be of minimum 8 characters length.
2. Password must contain at least one special character.
3. Password must contain 1 digit.
4. Password must contain 1 capital character.
Eg.: Ford@2024
Password Lockout
The system permits three
password entry attempts. If an incorrect password is entered three times
consecutively by the dealer user, the account will be locked.
And in this scenario dealer user need to contact FORD Helpdesk to reactivate the user.
Password Expiry
Upon setting a password, it will automatically expire within a duration of 90 days. This security measure ensures regular updates to maintain account integrity and confidentiality. Users will be prompted to renew their passwords periodically for enhanced security.