Incorrect VIN or Mobile Details

Incorrect VIN or Mobile Details

This validation pop ups when dealer user has entered customer details different than the Customer details tagged with that VIN in DMS lite.

User can verify these details by following the FTP Status log OR by referring to the contact master/ vehicle History document as well.

Navigation : Administration >>> Management >>> FTP Status log.

Case 1 :

Search for the Vehicle in FTP Status log. One must ensure whatever the details available in FTP Status log should be entered as it is during Customer OTP verification process.

Example : Customer Name, VIN Details etc.

After updating correct details, validation would not pop up.

Case 2 :- 

If the Customer Mobile Number / VIN Number / Customer Name is not entered properly as per the previous details of Customer in customer Master, then the system will be giving validation as shown in the beginning of this article.

These details can be verified from Customer Master.

Navigation : Administration >>> Management >>> Customer.

a. Open Customer contact and verify the details entered during OTP verification.
b. Same details can be verified by referring to the Vehicle History report as well.

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