Service appointment


Service Appointment Screen

If the VIN is registered under Campaign , when the user creates Service Appointment by selecting VIN / Regn. No, all applicable service campaign(s) for the selected VIN will be displayed on screen as a Pop-up message

User needs to go through the details displayed properly for the campaign(s) offers for the selected VIN


User can also at any time during the transaction can go back and refer applicable campaign(s) and offers   
      available for the selected VIN in Customer 360 View tab.
      Customer 360 View -> VIN Details TAB  (Refer screenshot copied below)

Repair Order 

  1. If the VIN is registered under Campaign , when the user creates Repair Order by selecting Inward document / VIN / Regn. No, all applicable service campaign(s) for the selected VIN will be displayed on screen as a Pop-up message
  1. User needs to go through the details displayed properly for the campaign(s) offers for the selected VIN

User can also at any time during the transaction can go back and refer applicable campaign(s) and offers  
      available for the selected VIN in Customer 360 View tab.
 Customer 360 View -> VIN Details TAB  (Refer screenshot copied below)

Repair order  – (Step 1, 2 & 3)

Step 1 :

User should select Repair Type as “Campaign” under Parts and Labour sections as appropriate.

If part is under campaign, user will not be able to take same part under different repair type.

Step 2

A)User should click on “Apply Campaign” button, auto discount will get applied in RO.
B)If the same part/Labour is present in more than 1 campaign offers. System automatically picks the highest discount for the Part/Labour amongst applicable campaigns for the VIN.

Step 3:

RO Statement report can be used for reconciling campaign claim submission by using repair type filter as campaign in said report.

Repair order  – (Step 4)

Step 4 :

User can be able to applicable Campaigns under below Print

  1. Customer Copy
  2. Workshop Copy
  3. RO Pre-Invoice Print.

Repair order  – (Step 5)

Step 5 :


Ratio Billing is applicable under campaign.
  If User has taken Ratio Billing under campaign & Warranty then, Campaign Discount will be applicable only on CUSTOMER PAID  AMOUNT & this will be shown only in Final Retail Invoice.
Note: -If ratio billing taken then user has to fill the Claim to contact i.e., FORD for warranty & for Insurance – Insurance company.

Repair order  – (Step 6)

Step 6 :

Discounted amount can be visible in Final retail Invoice.

User can see, Campaign Discount will get applied only on Customer Portion of Campaign discount.

For E.g. If Part A is having 10% Campaign Discount. And user has taken ratio billing as customer & Warranty 50-50%.

User will be entitled to get only 5% of Campaign Discount. And Warranty part will not get applied campaign discount.

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